Java 正则表达式元字符示例

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正则表达式 定义字符串的搜索模式。对于给定的字符串,此模式可能匹配一次或多次或根本不匹配。正则表达式的缩写是regex。正则表达式可用于搜索、编辑和操作文本。

1. 元字符的Java正则表达式列表

正则表达式支持一些具有明确预定义含义的元字符特殊字符。以下元字符使某些常见模式更易于使用,例如'd' 而不是 [0..9]

元字符 描述
d 任意数字,[0-9]的简写
D 非数字,[^0-9]的简写
s 一个空白字符,[tnx0brf]的缩写
小号 非空白字符,[^s]的简称
w 单词字符,[a-zA-Z_0-9]的简写
W 一个非单词字符[^w]
S+ 几个非空白字符
b 匹配单词边界。单词字符是 [a-zA-Z0-9_] 并且 b 匹配它的边界。

1. Java正则表达式元字符示例

package com.howtodoinjava.regex;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.junit.Test;

public class MetaCharactersTest
	public void testAnyDigit()
		 * Matches exactly 3 digits
		 * */
		String sampleText = "123";
		String regex = "d{3}";
		Assert.assertEquals(true, sampleText.matches(regex));

	public void testNonDigit()
		 * Matches exactly 3 non digits
		 * */
		String sampleText = "abc";
		String regex = "d{3}";
		Assert.assertNotSame(true, sampleText.matches(regex));

	public void testWhiteSpaceCharacters()
		 * Matches n number of spaces
		 * */
		String sampleText = "     ";
		String regex = "s{0,}";
		Assert.assertEquals(true, sampleText.matches(regex));

	public void testNonWhiteSpaceCharacter1()
		 * Matches no space allowed
		 * */
		String sampleText = "abc123";
		String regex = "S{0,}";
		Assert.assertEquals(true, sampleText.matches(regex));

	public void testNonWhiteSpaceCharacter2()
		 * Matches no space allowed with '+' sign
		 * */
		String sampleText = "abc123";
		String regex = "S+";
		Assert.assertEquals(true, sampleText.matches(regex));

	public void testWordCharacter()
		 * Matches one or more word characters
		 * */
		String sampleText = "abc123";
		String regex = "w{0,}";
		Assert.assertEquals(true, sampleText.matches(regex));

	public void testNonWordCharacter()
		 * Matches one or more word characters
		 * */
		String sampleText1 = "abc123";
		String sampleText2 = "!@#$";
		String regex = "W{0,}";
		Assert.assertNotSame(true, sampleText1.matches(regex));
		Assert.assertEquals(true, sampleText2.matches(regex));

	public void testWordBoundary()
		 * Matches the word "abc123" exactly same
		 * */
		String sampleText = "abc123";
		String regex = "babc123b";
		Assert.assertEquals(true, sampleText.matches(regex));

在这个 Java 正则表达式示例 中,我们学习了在正则表达式中使用元字符来评估文本字符串。




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